Sunday, April 25, 2010

As Above, So below... and Within

A couple of days ago my sister sent me a link to an incredible place which I had already seen several months ago in National Geographic Magazine but was so happy to revisit.  In the middle of the Mexican desert in Chihuahua.... there are huge ....gigantic....crystal caves.  They are beyond amazing.  To think that below us there are places of wonder beyond our wildest imagination gives me goosebumps.  I feel the same way for what is above.  Watching E.T., The Extra-Terrestrial, last night with my family, I began to wonder (as I have many thousands of times) what we will find out there in space, in the future,  that will make our mind spin.  But, thanks to the Hubble telescope, we do have astonishing photographs of distant galaxies, supernovas and nebulas. And last but not least, the wonder of ourselves...what is within.  Miles and miles of small inconceivably fascinating journeys.  

I am definitely motivated to make some jewelry with crystals...and assymmetrical curvelinear designs!


Beatnheart said...

Hi Penny ! I left a comment earlier but it looks like it didn't go through...could be me not doing the "verification" its been known to happen...I know what you mean about RIverside...It just seems so redneck, or worse but if you get the chance, I promise you, you would love it...its actually very old California with some awesome architecture. I working with polymer clay today...I saw a tutorial on your medium and oh my gosh its just so cool of course now I want to do I need to practice for about a year on the cheap stuff. I have a lot of hand pain (thumbs) so I can only do something for a short time...then I take a break, and then get back to it...I'm all over the place to be truthful..!!
I love the idea of Yin studio doesn't have that...we do some restorative. The class I had today was kinda like torture..really hard...but I soldier on...Talk soon, looks like I'm writing a novel here..Take care Penny, Cynthia

Bungalow 36 said...

Love the crystals! It's like an Avitar world. Amazing! One of my favorite pieces of jewelry was my grandmothers crystal. I'll have to show it to you one time.