Saturday, May 1, 2010

Alphabet Mandala - Letter V

I've been drawing mandalas for at least 15 years.  About seven years ago as I was sketching ideas for greeting cards, I had an idea. I was playing with letters and suddenly started drawing mandalas with letters.  I ended up creating the entire alphabet with individual mandalas. Since the greeting cards never materialized, except for a few friends and family, I've never shared them.  When I realized I could use them in my jewelry design, I was very excited.  I redrew a simplified version of a few letters and sent them off to the rubber stamp fabricators to try it out.  I thought I would use the rubber stamps, but now I realize I like the rubber stamp matrix better.... which poses a problem as most of the letters I sent are backwards on the matrix! Now, I'm going to have to send my drawings back to the fabricator in reverse before I can continue. But, as you will see, I was able to use the letter V to begin my experimentation.  

the letter V....

maybe V is the first letter of your first name...or the first letter of you last name.  Maybe V is for Valentine, Victory, Veterinarian or Violin!  Or, maybe this is just a pretty design ....who would know it was made out of secret little V's unless you told them....

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